The Enchanted Feast
There was once a family who unknowingly entered a spirit world. The parents were almost immediately lost to an enchantment which turned them into pigs, leaving the daughter alone in this new world of gods and spirits.
The young girl befriended a boy who had lost his name. This boy sometimes appeared in the sky as a dragon. The two children worked for an evil witch who wanted to keep their names and memories.
In time, and with the help and friendship of a variety of spirits, the children were able to defeat the witch and reclaim their names and lift the spell from the little girl’s parents and return home in their true forms promising to meet again one day.
The Enchanted Feast is the companion collection to our previous hand tufted rug collection. Like The Goldfish, An Enchanted Feast was inspired by a favorite Hayao Miyazaki film, Spirited Away.
The lookbook was shot by our friend and neighbor Kathy Lo, and features her child and ours. The premise was initially a private joke, based on the dozens of photos our babysitter would text us during quarantine of the two children playing, eating and sleeping together.
But as we were compiling the lookbook the images became a reenactment of Spirited Away. The best stories don’t need to be retold, but of course that never stopped anybody.